Breaking Ground, Making History for Loudon County Schools

Merit Construction and Loudon County officials broke ground on two new schools in November 2011. This marks the beginning of a $43 million school building program for the county, which includes new facilities for Greenback School and Fort Loudoun Middle School, as well as a significant renovation to Philadelphia Elementary School’s cafeteria. This groundbreaking celebrated a historic time for Loudon County—these are the county’s first new schools in 27 years.

For more information on this project, check out our Merit on the Move e-newsletter. 

Merit’s Morristown Construction is Seeing Double

Vision care in Morristown is looking up, thanks to two new medical office buildings recently completed by Merit Construction. Built for Morristown Regional Eye Center and Southeastern Retina Associates, the two facilities were developed by Realty Trust Group and total nearly 20,000 square feet. The buildings are located on the same campus and by using a consistent team for both projects, Merit Construction was able to coordinate subcontractor work and construction schedules which maximized efficiencies for the project owner.

“Merit Construction’s project manager and project superintendent were diligent and proactive during the design and construction phases, with a continuous and disciplined focus on cost and schedule,” said Don Parnell, principal with Realty Trust Group.

For more information on the project, check out the Merit on the Move e-newsletter.

Renovation and Addition to Sevier Farmers Co-op Complete

Merit Construction is proud to announce the completion of the renovations and additions to the Sevier Farmers Co-op in Sevierville.

The renovation and addition to the Co-op totals 52,741 square feet and includes more than 11,000 square feet of retail space and 3,700 square feet of a new garden center with greenhouse. The Co-op also has an area devoted to a farmers market every Wednesday and Saturday morning during the growing season. A new office mezzanine overlooks the retail area and a fuel center was relocated closer to Chapman Highway for ease of access.

For more information on this project, check out the Merit on the Move e-newsletter.

Merit Begins Construction on Two UT Sorority Houses

Merit Construction was recently selected to construct the new residential sorority houses for both Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Zeta. Both houses will feature a chapter meeting room, dining room, study lounge, commercial kitchen, and double bedrooms and executive suites.

Both houses will be located within the new Sorority Village at Morgan Hill located at the southeast corner of Neyland Drive and Kingston Pike. Site work is already underway and construction will begin this summer on both houses. Members of Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Zeta are expected to move in Fall 2012.

For more information on these projects, check out the Merit on the Move e-newsletter.